· food · 9 min read
Can dogs eat marshmallows? Can dogs have marshmallows?

Is there anyone who doesn’t love marshmallows? Having them, especially in a s’more is amazing. They are tasty, easy to eat and leave that sweet flavor on your tongue. But can dogs eat marshmallows? Are marshmallows bad for dogs? Let’s discuss and find out!
Can dogs eat marshmallows?
Straight-up no – dogs cannot eat marshmallows. However, don’t panic! If your dog ate one as a one-off, there’s no risk. However, let’s see why they can be dangerous.
Unless your pup has a health condition that doesn’t allow for it, feeding them one as a very special treat is perfectly fine so long as their diet is well-rounded.
Dogs shouldn’t eat marshmallows because they’re made mostly of sugar, gelatin, and corn syrup—not healthy ingredients for dogs. However, if a dog accidentally eats one or two marshmallows, it’s not poisonous; technically speaking, marshmallows are “safe” for dogs to consume unless they contain Xylitol, which is indeed poisonous.
Can dogs eat Lucky Charms marshmallows?
Can dogs eat Lucky Charms marshmallows? The answer is yes, they can. But they should not as a regular meal!
Lucky Charms are a brand of breakfast cereal produced by General Mills. The main component of the cereal is oat pieces, but it also includes marshmallows in different colors, which are shaped like charms. Some people believe that eating these marshmallows will bring them good luck.
Marshmallows are high in sugar and can therefore cause weight gain and tooth decay in dogs if eaten in large quantities. Additionally, the artificial colors and flavors found in Lucky Charms marshmallows can be dangerous for dogs and may cause vomiting, diarrhea, or skin irritation. Make sure to limit the quantities your dog eats and as a general rule, please avoid them.
Can dogs eat mini marshmallows?
The same as with normal marshmallows, it’s ok to give your dog one or two mini marshmallows as a very special treat. Any more than that it would be bad for your dog’s health, even poisonous. Interestingly, you could use a mini marshmallows to hide a pill, because the sugar coat is likely to hide its taste.
Can dogs have vegan marshmallows?
Yes, dogs can have vegan marshmallows in very small quantities, and as long as they don’t contain Xylitol or other toxic artificial sweeteners.
A vegan marshmallow is a marshmallow that does not contain gelatin, which is derived from animal products. Vegan marshmallows can be made from various plant-based ingredients, such as cornstarch, agar-agar, or potato starch.
So, they still contain a very high amount of ingredients that are far from healthy for your dog, or yourself.
Are marshmallows bad for dogs?
Yes, they are. There are a few reasons why dogs should not eat marshmallows. Not only because of the basic ingredients but also because marshmallows are extremely unhealthy.
Out of 100 calories in a marshmallow, 96 are nothing but sugar and filler. That’s not good for anybody, including you. 96% of unhealthy components is not a good deal and just as you, your dog’s diet needs to be well balanced and should have a very controlled approach with tasty but harmful things.
To better understand why dogs shouldn’t eat marshmallows, it’s important to also answer another question: will marshmallows hurt a dog? And can a marshmallow kill a dog? Here are 5 reasons.
Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is found in many products, including gum, candy and peanut butter. For dogs, xylitol is extremely toxic. It can cause liver failure and even death.
The estimated amount of xylitol that is toxic to a dog is around 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. The estimated amount of xylitol that is life threatening to a dog is around 5 grams per kilogram of body weight.
The FDA has released a comprehensive explanation of why xylitol is toxic to dogs. People and dogs metabolize xylitol differently - when dogs digest xylitol, it causes their pancreas to release insulin into their blood stream. This increase in insulin then lowers the dog’s blood sugar levels (a condition called hypoglycemia), which can occur 10-60 minutes after first ingestion.
There are many products that contain xylitol besides marshmallows. This includes gummy bears, gum, candy, baked goods, some toothpaste, several “diet foods” and even some peanut butter brands.
Symptoms of Xylitol Poisoning
Xylitol poisoning in dogs may cause symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, loss of coordination, seizures and even coma. In severe cases, liver damage may occur and can be fatal. If your dog has ingested a large amount of xylitol, it is important to seek urgent medical attention.
There are several things you can do to prevent xylitol poisoning in dogs. First and foremost, it is important to keep all products containing xylitol out of reach of your dog. This includes candy and other sweets that may contain xylitol, as well as certain medications and even some types of toothpaste.
If you think your dog may have eaten something containing xylitol, call your vet right away. It’s very likely the veterinarian will induce vomiting and take any other appropriate measure to take the substance off your dog’s system.
Sugar & Corn Syrup
Most marshmallows contain unhealthy ingredients like sugar or corn syrup instead of xylitol. Even though these ingredients aren’t necessarily poisonous to dogs, they’re still not good for them! Just like humans, dogs need a balanced diet, and marshmallows don’t count as part of a puppy’s nutrition.
Should dogs eat sugar?
A dog’s diet shouldn’t have any extra sugar because too much can lead to problems like cavities, obesity, and diabetes - just like in people. Also, a long time exposure to lots of sugar can cause mood changes and less energy in dogs.
Should dogs eat Corn Syrup?
Corn syrup is just as dangerous for dogs as sugar. Dogs who consume too much corn syrup are at risk of developing diabetes and becoming overweight, just like dogs who eat too much sugar.
Although sugar and corn syrup are safe for dogs to eat, it should only be given in moderation. Excess sugar can lead to diabetes and hypoglycemia in dogs of all sizes, so it is important to monitor your pet closely if you do choose to give them these sweeteners.
Dyes and Artificial Flavors
Dyes can be dangerous to dogs because they can cause an allergic reaction or even liver damage. Artificial flavors are also bad for dogs because they can contain harmful chemicals that can upset a dog’s stomach or lead to other health problems.
Just like with sugar and corn syrup, it is important to monitor your pet closely if you do choose to give them marshmallows containing dyes and artificial flavors.
Three major marshmallow preservatives that are toxic for dogs are BHA, BHT, and ethoxyquin. All three of these products are and have been used to extend the edible life of marshmallows, which
Although federal regulations state that ethoxyquin can only be 0.5% of a marshmallow’s total composition, it is often better to play it safe and avoid these ingredients entirely.
If a dog ingests too many marshmallows, it’s not good for their health. The three preservatives commonly found in marshmallows - BHA, BHT, and ethoxyquin - are known to worsen allergies. Some studies suggest that these preservatives may even cause dogs to develop new allergies.
Choking Risk
Even if we take away all its components, marshmallows that are not properly sized might still lead to choking. To make sure this doesn’t happen, just cut them up and serve them in small, bite-sized pieces
Safer Marshmallow Versions for Dogs
Homemade Marshmallows
You can prepare your own, homemade marshmallows that contain no preservatives, no xylitol, and are low on sugars or syrups so that your dog can enjoy them without some of the risks. Here are a couple of recipes you can try out!
#1. Honey Or Maple Syrup Marshmallows
This recipe from Wellness Mama takes about 25 minutes to make from start to finish. Not only does this product include marshmallow root powder, but it is also a great anti-inflammatory ingredients
- 1 TBSP marshmallow root powder (optional)
- 1 cup water (warm, divided)
- ¼ cup  gelatin powder
- 1 cup  honey (or maple syrup)
- 2Â tsp vanilla
Get the full instructions from Wellness Mama
#2. Monk Fruit Marshmallows
This recipe is from Wholesome Yum. These sugar-free marshmallows only have three ingredients
- Gelatin powder
- Monk Fruit Blend
- Vanilla
Here’s the whole recipe, courtesy of: Wholesome Yum
Max Vegan Mallow - sugar free, xylitol free, no artificial flavors
If you don’t feel like cooking, then this brand of marshmallows are safer for your dog to eat. They are sugar-free and are sweetened with a component that is safe for dogs. According to The Journal Of Veterinary Medical Science this product is not toxic to dogs. However… don’t abuse, these are still unhealthy calories for your pup!
Better Sweet Treats for your Dog
Many fruits are a great and healthy alternative to sugary or processed treats for dogs. Fruits are a natural source of sugar, water, and fiber, which makes them a good choice for a healthy snack. They also contain essential vitamins and minerals that can help keep your dog healthy.
Some of the best fruits to give your dog as a snack include:
- Apples
- Bananas
- Blueberries
- Cantaloupe
- Grapes
- Mangos
- Oranges
- Papayas
- Pineapples
- Strawberries
Puppuccinos are a popular treat for dogs, and for good reason - they’re delicious! But not all puppuccinos are created equal. Some recipes for this beberage include ingredients that are dangerous for dogs, such as xylitol.
So how can you make a safe and healthy puppuccino for your pup? Here’s a recipe that uses ingredients that are safe for dogs:
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon honey (or maple syrup)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Get the full instructions from Rocky Kanaka
Wrapping Up - Can dogs have Marshmallows?
The answer is no, dogs can’t have marshmallows unless you’re sure they don’t contain Xylitol, toxic preservatives or dyes, and have low sugar content. In general, look for a healthier alternative such as fruits and make sure your dog’s diet is well balanced and composed of healthy and tasty food!